Wednesday, May 13, 2020
I have 2 very vivid and distinct memories of Donnie growing up.
One time we were outside at Bill and Wendy's in the summer where we spent lots of our time and I wanted to go see the horses. He brought me over to the fence (I was maybe 5?), he handed me an apple and said I could feed it to the horse. Of course I was pretty excited about this but a little nervous at the same time. Donnie handed it to me and told me to hold my hand out flat and let the apple rest there and the horse would come over and eat it. I was probably shaking but I did just as he said and the horse came over and tore the apple 3/4 off in one bite. My eyes most likely went wide and I remember being shocked but thrilled at this. Donnie must have seen the look on my face and we looked at each other and he goes "Hell of a bite ain't it?!" I don't remember laughing so hard in my whole life.
Another was in the winter we were at Bill and Wendy's as we were so often. Donnie offered to take me out on a snowmobile ride and I was so excited I jumped up and ran out the door. We got out to the sled and he revved it up and told me to hop on and hold tight and we took off. We were flying around pretty good but nothing too dangerous of course. I think I was probably 7 years old or so. We hit a huge bump and we both nearly flew off the sled and it rolled over on its side. Donnie grabbed me up really quick to be sure I was ok. He set me down to work on the sled as I think the track came loose. He worked on it for several minutes as I stood there in about 2 feet of snow, with only a small pair of sneakers on...I had been so excited to go, I forgot to put my boots on and we just took off. When he was done, he went to lift me back on the sled and saw I was only wearing sneakers and in a panicked voice said "Oh man! Where the hell are your boots?! Your mom's gonna kill me let's get back!" So he put me back on and we tore back to Wendy's. Feet were frozen but I'm actually not even sure we told my mom about it anyway. But a very funny moment I had with Donnie.
I'm glad I remember these from so long ago. They are the type of memories that are clear as if they happened yesterday for one reason or another. He was a good guy and I am glad to have known him and to have shared those as well as many other good times and memories with him and his family.