Thursday, July 9, 2009
I know my family and I thank all of you who shared such nice thoughts about Walt O'Connor. Walter was my father's younger brother, my father being Francis O'Connor. I know all of my brothers,sisters and cousins have such great memories of Uncle Walt. I will share a few of my own here. Every summer my large family, 8 kids and 2 parents, would descend upon the O'Connor residence on Main Street in Mohawk to visit our grandparents, Frank and Carrie O'Connor. The times when we would come and Uncle Walt was living there would always be great fun. One of my first memories was a sporty convertable car Walt had. It was the kind where the hard top electronically folded into the car trunk. He was always kind and would let me press the button that would fold the top down into the trunk. Quite a thrill for a young girl who had never seen such marvels. Another time when I was about 12 or 13 the Beatles had a new record coming out and I was just "dying" to have it. I'm not sure how it all came about (I probably bugged him as young kids are apt to do) but I do remember Uncle Walt taking me to the store and buying me the record. He had my total love forever for getting me that Beatles record. I also remember him walking up to the ice cream store in the summer and treating many of us to that sweet treat. There were many great trips and visits to Cooperstown and Otsego Lake and of course sailing...always sailing. There was one time out on Otsego Lake in a small boat.I think it was a sunfish sail boat. It was Walt, my twin brothers, Terry and Jerry, and myself. A storm came up and I think my life flashed before me as things quickly got scary. "Captain" Walt and the twins rose to the task tho' and we all made it back safely. I think I wouldn't sail for awhile after that. We have so many more good things to remember. All the good Thanksgivings at my parents house on Long Island and then in Ossining, trips into Manhatten.My brothers and sisters will all remember the time we even got Uncle Walt to come to the beach on the Outer Banks in North Carolina. And of course there were all of his stories to listen to and his singing in French and English. Uncle Walt will be missed. Especially since for my family it is the passing of an era as Walter was the last of my parents siblings (on both sides of our family). We thank all who have given a moment of thought for Walter P. O'Connor as he passes from this life and may God Bless You All. Sincerely, Kathleen (O'Connor) Brigham