Monday, December 8, 2008
Kevin was more than a dear friend, he was and will always remain a part of our family. Kevin was like a father to me. Through the good and bad times in life Kevin was there to lift my spirits.He made me smile through tears.We would talk and never judge each other.We shared advice and opinions.I'm going to miss talking and laughing with you Kevin.:::( My children call him Uncle Kevin and when we hung out he'd run through the house with the kids and I would send them to corners and Kevin would actually stand in he corner, turn and give me an innocent look and I'd tell him to get back in the corner and he would and we'd all laugh.When my daughter was born the nurse asked us how we wanted her name spelled and Mehaffy without a second thought spelled Kaitlynn.She's been his pride and joy every since.Kaitlynn prayed every night the Kevin would survive this.She even made him a picture of her crying that read; Uncle Kevin I love you please don't go.She is crushed and has cried alot since I broke the news to her.The boys are older so they understand a bit more even though life has been unfair in taking Kevin away. My boyfriend and Kevin were really good friends and he apologizes but he can't bring himself to go say goodbye to Kevin.Rich wants to remember Kevin and all the fun they had togther he doesnt want his last memory to be seeing Kev in a casket.He says he's sorry hope no one thinks bad of him. Kevin was a warm,funny, loving,caring,gentle man and we will never forget him.I will always picture him walking down my street with his shirt unbuttoned and his hair swaying with the wind yelling,"Brenda lee whassup" He always called me Brenda lee and I really miss hearing him.Kevin, I won't ever say goodbye to you more like I will see you when my time comes meet me at heavens door and tell my Dad I said I love him just as much as I love you Kevin! Shelly, christine, and Michael I know how it feels to lose ur dad becaue I lost mine close to the same way just keep him alive within you and don't let your children forget what a great grandpa they had. He may never see another sunset but we will feel the warmth of him watchin over us and smile because we know Kevin will remain with our hearts and memories forever. With our heartfelt condolences and kindest thoughts to everyone in their time of sorrow. Kevin will always be a footprint within our hearts. We Miss you and we love you Kevin! Rest in peace my 2nd dad.The kids send lots of love and hugs from here to heaven make sure you catch em.WE LOVE YOU MEHAFFY! Love Brenda lee, Richard, Kaitlynn, Christopher and Mikey