Monday, November 3, 2008
Tribute to Mamie First were our oh! so nice neighbors Jennie and her husband Gordon, they left us after many years of kindness; but the nice neighbor feeling continued when Mamie, Jennie's sister, came �'down from the farm'-, as they always used to mention their beautiful house, where they were born, and farm buildings all around, up on the hill behind Barriger road school. Mamie was left alone up there when her sister Rose succumbed to illness; the decision was made for Mamie to come and be our neighbor. She was for many, many years here in the neat little house next door. Quiet, keeping by herself, always friendly, never sad. We visited times and again when she was in the yard taking care of things. Then she became more and more retired. We missed seeing her. I would call our reclusive next door neighbor and go over for short visits. She always received me all nicely dressed and made up. We would sit and talk about Italy, her family, her parents, beloved brothers and sisters. Oh how she missed them all. We exchanged few Italian expressions, and she would become a little emotional, nostalgic. Mamie was a very good person, kind, patient. At the 'Home' she tried her best to cooperate, but never could adapt in that restricted isolated environment. She missed very much her home, her nest, her independence, even her loneliness. Her 'things', her mementos, letters, pictures. She kept everything meticulously organized. I visited her. She loved to see me, at times letting out her frustrations. She never asked for anything. 'Shall I bring you something Mamie?' 'No, thank you Nadia'. I left her that Thursday, happy. We laughed one more time together. We always managed a laugh, at least once, during our visits. I brought her clothes up for the colder season. I arranged the different items in the closet. She chose a change for next day: a dress and a red scarf, and a matching vest. We hung it outside the closet, ready. I helped her in to her self-knitted heavy blue cardigan; the day was sunny, very pleasant, so we went outside for a little tour. She kept telling me to be careful�. she was in the wheelchair! Came back to the room. Mamie made me hang up her beautiful cardigan out of the closet for everyone to see. Before I left her I had to set up straight Baba. Baba? Yes, she would hardly go anywhere without Baba the Penguin �The Emperor penguin-. It was her closest thing to give her happiness. She was touched deeply by the TV movie of the odyssey lived by the Antarctic Penguins; she had seen it different times. -Good night Mamie, I have to go now. I will come back next week-. "Good night Nadia, thank you very much for everything"-. I gave her a little hug. We were never much for words. I left. I never came back next week. Mamie did not keep the appointment. I love Mamie, she was a very nice soul. Nadia November 3rd 2008