Friday, November 23, 2018
Dear Cindy, Andrea and family,
My deepest sympathy and condolences on your loss. My heart is saddened to hear that Marlyn has left us and I did not have that last opportunity to share with her how much I have always respected her and how important she was in my life. She was one of those rare people who may have had a “sixth sense,” who at times seemed to read our minds, or easily recognized what was on our minds, and although not spoken, obvious to her, read our body language. It was hard for me to realize that it has been my privilege to have known Marlyn for 50 years since we first met when Cindy and I were dating in High School. She has always been a unique and intelligent lady, who has always held an unforgettable place for any who were fortunate to have been in her presence for any length of time.
My memories of her will always bring a smile to my face and a warmth to my heart. From when we first met, she always treated me as special (as I learned over the years, she did this to each and all!) and welcomed me into her home, and made me feel more than comfortable and relaxed. This was a challenge as I was a nervous teenager, dating her oldest daughter and trying to impress all, especially Ward who I knew was an athletic coach, and as I played several sports myself, knew he commanded respect. One very special memory of Marlyn was during a summer evening at her home where Cindy and I were watching TV with the family. Obviously, we were both acting restless, bored or otherwise two teenagers perhaps infatuated with each other, and anxious to be alone. Somehow she sensed this, and grabbed her car keys and tossed them to me, saying that we should go out and get away for awhile. At that time being a teenager, I mistook this for her having great trust and faith in me. It was only when I became a parent myself did I realize that is was not me for whom she had great trust and faith, but in her daughter Cindy, who she had raised, along with Scott and Andrea, with such love and care, she knew them very well and trusted their judgement.
As a teenager, she made me feel she was treating me as an adult, and we enjoyed many hours of conversation when I visited Cindy at home (sometimes to Cindy’s dismay), where Marlyn was a very good listener, and always had a positive word of encouragement or a way of asking just the right question. For many years after Cindy and I went off to college and took different paths, we remained friends (as we still are today) and I often stopped by her house during the holidays where we caught up with each other, and Marlyn always made time to ask about family and friends and provide support for youthful ambitions and opinions.
She was a beautiful women who always had a smile, a sparkle in her eye, and a wonderful sense of humor, and a laugh that was contagious. That is how I will remember her. Oh, and I almost forgot, the best tan all year long!
The memories you share of your Mom are priceless. She has left us with many memories which will keep her alive in our hearts forever.
God bless you with strength and understanding during this trying time to help you through the pain of your loss.
You are in our thoughts and prayers.